Your First Meeting With Your Injury Lawyer

byAlma Abell

One of the most important things that you can do if you have been injured is to meet with an injury lawyer to discuss your case. While some types of injuries are simple and straightforward there are some seemingly simple cases that can actually be very complex because of the law.

If you are meeting with your injury lawyer for the first time, usually in what is called an initial consultation, you should be prepared to answer specific types of questions. The more information that you can provide to the attorney the better understanding the injury lawyer will have of your case.

Write a Statement Describing What Happened


In advance of the meeting, if you are capable of doing so, writing a description or overview of the accident can be very helpful. You can do this in point form or in a more narrative form, but it will help you to provide the information that your attorney needs.

Remember to include not just the actions of the other person but also what you were doing, who else was there, and the particulars of the events that led up to your injury. Usually the injury lawyer will ask very specific questions to help to clarify your case. Be sure to answer honestly and completely or let the attorney know you don’t know or can’t remember specific details.

Bring Medical Information

It is also helpful for your injury lawyer to have your current medical records and information at that initial meeting. You may just need to provide a list of medical treatments, medications and doctors that you have seen.

The injury lawyer will also ask you what treatments you are still receiving, especially if you have a type of injury that could have long term medical issues and a lengthy recovery. You may be asked to keep a journal or record of the symptoms and pain you experience to help to build your case.

Your injury lawyer will also ask if you have talked to any insurance company representatives or if you have given statements to the police or the other people involved. In addition the attorney will give you an overview of how they view your case, what options you have, and whether the attorney will take your case.

To speak to an injury lawyer at no cost and no obligation give us a call. More information can be found at

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